Best Manual Turkish coffee grinder - Which one to choose
If you’re looking for a manual coffee grinder for making Turkish coffee - currently you have a lot of options on the market. In this comparison I will try to help you to make the right choice for your specific needs.
Turkish coffee grind size - basics
I must say that usually people think about this grind size as “powder”, but it’s not necessary. Though, it’s very nice to have. That’s why the list will contain only the grinders which can do that (and I've used long enough to be confident it).
But when using my approach, almost any coffee grinder can be used. Because you can actually brew coffee using the grind size for a pour over coffee (like sugar to the touch). It will be a slightly different beverage, but still.
Coffee Grinders to choose from
The list could also include some Kingrinder models which can grind for Espresso. And 1Zpresso J, K, X models.
Let’s make a comparison by using table view for convenience. It’s hard to judge coffee by numbers, so it’s not super fare. Take it with the grain of salt.
Coffee grinder |
Speed |
Ergonomics |
Quality of the cup |
Lifespan |
Sozen |
3 |
2 |
7 |
3 |
Timemore c3 esp |
7 |
6 |
7 |
6 |
Kinu m47 Phoenix |
8 |
10 |
9 |
10 |
Comandante c40 |
5 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Sozen - pros and cons
- It can grind super fine
- Looks great and authentic
- Simplistic
- Can be used for spices
- More enjoyment from a cup of coffee
- Narrow body, easy to hold
- Takes long time to grind (relatively). I won’t use it for doses higher than 10 grams
- The handle isn’t ergonomic at all. That’s why I created an upgraded
- Smell of the hands after grinding (oxidation of brass body)
- Adjustment is done by the
- No bearings, pure friction
- Cannot be used for other brewing methods
- Possibly low longevity (but some have them for more than 50 years)
Overall it’s a solid option if you want to drink a small amount of coffee. Even though it seems outdated in terms of mechanical parts, it still produces great results. It can’t be used for other brewing methods because the axle is wiggling and produces uneven particles (a lot of small ones).
As for the grind size adjustment - I suggest tightening it gently till the axle can’t be rotated by hand freely (without the handle). And from that point, make a 180 degree (half of a circle or slightly less) rotation of the regulating knob counter-clockwise. That way you’ll have a balanced cup of coffee.
Timemore c3 esp - pros and cons
- Can be used for Espresso and Pour over
- Grind size quality is pretty nice
- Speed of grinding is acceptable and doesn’t require much force
- Can go super small
- Easy to hold when grinding
- Could have weird sound in a lid
- Aluminum body (creates squeaky noise when unscrewing the catch-cup)
I was impressed by this model. They definitely did a great job with the new S2C burr and alignment of the burr. Cup is clean when brewing a pour over. And it’s fast for Turkish coffee. Overall, nice choice. But the longevity of the burr is questionable (but it’s true for any stainless steel burr).
Grind size setting that I recommend - 0.8.
Kinu m47 Phoenix - pros and cons
- Fast
- Ergonomic
- Can be used for any brewing method
- Super fine adjustments
- Superb burr alignment
- Longevity of the burr is high
- Can go powder-small (though it’s not needed)
- Needs the lid (luckily I’ve created a few)
- Could require more force than other grinders, but still manageable
Because of the burr hardness, it should theoretically retain the sharpness for longer. People use it for 5+ years for Espresso. I am personally confident in this piece of equipment. Especially if you’re going to grind light roast for Turkish coffee. Though, the thumb stopper in Simplicity and Classic models looks like it will make it easier to hold when grinding.
Grinding force is pretty high, but you get a shorter grinding time. Which makes it mentally easier than any other grinder. Balance between effort and time is right where it should be. Grinding 20-30 grams of coffee shouldn’t be a problem.
It’s better to read the article about this model to get more details.
Grind size setting that I recommend - 1.0 (one rotation)
Comandante c40 mk4 - pros and cons
- Can go fine enough
- Great burr alignment
- Longevity of the burr is pretty high
- Plastic catch-cup is nice for Turkish coffee
- Price
- Wide body (harder to hold)
- Takes time to grind
- Clicks aren’t that same within the grinders
It has a martensitic stainless steel burr which should retain sharpness better than regular stainless steel like in Timemore c3. But still theoretically has less longevity than Steel burr in Kinu m47.
I suggest using the “Big Joe” knob right away if you’re planning to use this grinder. It’ll make the grip more ergonomic. And it’s important because it takes some time to grind. I personally don’t want to use it for doses higher than 15 grams, but it’s totally possible. Especially compared to Sozen.
Plastic cup is a pro here, because you can pour out the coffee and tap on a cezve. It’ll not ruin the tinning inside. And the walls of the container are straight here.
Solid choice, especially if you’re planning to use it for a pour over as well. And a lot of look options for customization.
Grind size setting that I recommend - 2-7 clicks.
I’ve noticed that some grinders can grind properly only from 7 clicks and can’t grind (catch the beans) at 2. My model was from 2021 and it could grind even at 1 click. While later - it starts from around 4-7 clicks.
Simplifying the choice
I personally would go with Timemore c3 if you’re just starting out. For the money it’s an incredible option. And Kinu m47 if you want a reliable option for many years to come with peak performance. And maximum enjoyment of use on every step.
Timemore c3 esp video test and overview
Comparison of Kinu m47, Comandante c40, Sozen